Friday, November 15, 2019

Promote Your Personal Growth and Motivation

Promote Your Personal Growth and Motivation Promote Your Personal Growth and Motivation Are you feeling blah about your work and life? Are you experiencing a level of boredom which is making you unmotivated and unexcited? Are you having a mid-life crisis? You can promote your own personal growth, motivation, and career development to overcome this inertia. There are several methods you can use to  explore personal growth, set new goals, choose motivation and get your life and work back on a course that excites, motivates, and fills your life with joy. You can use this moment to  create the life you want with a mid-career crisis. The stereotypical mid-life crisis turns a conservative businessman and family man into a gold-chain-sporting, long-haired, red-Corvette-driving hedonist. It doesnt have to be this way. Mid-life crises- whether you are 30, 50 or 65 years old- can be a time of awakening, self-actualization, and new direction. Guided Thinking Exercises Take some time to do these exercises. The time invested will enable you to focus on the positive and the possible for your life.   List Everything You’d Like to Do in Your Lifetime These lists can run several hundred items and are often called Bucket Lists. Your chosen lifestyle must allow for the accomplishment of these dreams. Write Down Your 10 Favorite Activities But only the ones without which your life would feel bereft.  No life choice is suitable unless you get to do your favorite activities at least weekly, preferably daily. Think of a Time When You Felt More Positively About Your Life What has changed between then and now? List everything that is different. Perhaps you will gain insight into what is causing your current dissatisfaction and this insight could enable you to change the circumstances causing your unhappiness. Schedule Quiet, Thinking Time for Yourself Every Single Day If you are like many people, you rarely take time to be alone with yourself. Plenty of  people avoid this time and prefer to fill every minute of the day with activity.  Make it a priority to spend time alone with yourself doing nothing. Some people practice meditation and others practice yoga. The key is to spend time in your head gently  going wherever your thoughts take you. If those thoughts turn negative or self-deprecating, simply change the subject. Take Action Exercises Do these daily as you explore what makes you happy. Make time for your dreams and the activities that bring you joy.  You have listed your favorite activities and the hundreds of items you’d like to do in your lifetime. Begin. Add one each day to your schedule. Do all 10 activities you love at least once per week.Do something that is completely new to you once each week.  Get out of your comfort zone and engage with new people, places, and activities.Write a journal that tracks your thoughts, the new ideas you are generating and the additional  life activities you schedule every day. Spend time with a friend at least twice a month  for conversation and to maintain the supportive and caring relationship.Make your physical well-being a priority. Eat a balanced diet, get daily exercise- even if only for 10  minutes- and get enough sleep on a regular schedule. Here are more ways to explore your personal growth, development, and motivation needs to create a life that excites you. Personal Growth and Understanding Instruments and Surveys In the midst of your new thoughts and activities, you should supplement your thinking with tests and quizzes that provide information about yourself. Take personality, leadership, and career: tests, surveys, profiles, and quizzes to add to your understanding of yourself. Read Books About Personal Growth and Motivation Personal growth and self-motivation books fill an entire section of your local bookstore and will add to your understanding about yourself. Books which have been authored or co-authored by Barbara Sher are a good starting point. You should also consider reading Hanson’s Passion and Purpose: How to Identify and Leverage the Powerful Patterns That Shape Your Work/Life. Take a Class Your local college or university will likely have several courses about personal growth and motivation. In completing the earlier recommended exercises, you may have targeted additional topics you want to study. A structured course would be a good way to do that. Take the time to explore your mid-life crisis to identify your needs for personal growth and motivation. Maybe it’s just the job that’s depressing you. Perhaps you have not focused on adding your favorite activities to your daily life. In the daily busyness of life, you may have forgotten to think about your own need for solitude, thoughtfulness, and exploration. If you spend time exploring these recommended activities, you will find your answers, refresh your life view and put the joy and energy you deserve back into your life.

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